Physics of solid state lasers has been investigated and tens of solid state laser systems (Nd:YAG, Nd:YAP, alexandrit, Rubín, Er:YAP, Tm:YAG, CTH YAG, CTE:YAG, Er:YAG, Cr:ZnSe, Fe:ZnSe, Dy:PbGa2S4) generating in spectral region from 0.35 mm to 6 um have been developed and used in scientific as well as medical applications.

The basic research includes new methods of Short Pulse (picosecond or femtoseconds) generation (nonlinear mirror technique, passive negative feedback, pulse compression), generation of Raman shifted wavelengths, eye-safe laser sources.

Medical applications of solid-state lasers include studies of the interactions of laser radiation with a biological tissue in ophthalmology, dentistry, cardiology, dermatology. A special laser beam delivery systems (mirrors arm, waveguides) for mid-infrared radiation and powerful laser pulses are studied.

The group has active scientific contacts with universities and research institutions in France (University of Limoges), Japan (University of Tohoku, Himeji Institute of Technology), Italy (University of Pavia), Russia (Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences), and USA (University of New Mexico).










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